Saturday, October 12, 2013

Social Networking Sites

To be very honest, I'm not good with social media so it takes me a while to adapt to changes. Especially with all the changes that Facebook has been having over the past few years, I am not familiar with the privacy settings anymore. Even though I have been a Facebook user for a while now, I am still adjusting to the timeline changes. If I had to compare the simplicity of Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Myspace, I would think Facebook is most complicated. When I made an account for Myspace, I thought the layout was really simply. Everything was out on the dashboard. Everything I needed to make changes to the myspace was on the left and right side. The "post" button was in blue so it stood out to me. It was easier to figure out where to click to post a blog. I have never used Tumblr so I don't know how it works. When I came to the page, I mainly saw the search button on the top to find friends and to reblog their post. Twitter on the other hand, was overwhelming at first, but then it was easy after playing around with it. I realize it is kind of like Instagram with the # symbol and @ symbol. In general, all these networking sites are similar but different to me in terms of complicity, but I am sure everyone can get the hang of it once they play around with it.

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