Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Next New Thing

At first, when I saw the assignment for this week, I thought it was impossible to think of a new media that we do not have because I feel like our lives have been so convenient with all the new technologies that we already have. Then I thought, there has to be something that we can advance on. I was thinking of a digital necklace and that sense the weather because often times, I do not know what to wear because I am too lazy to check the weather on my phone or computer. Sometimes I would leave me house under dressed or overdressed. For men, we can make a digital watch that has internet access and weather sensitive as well. I think that would be really cool since more people are wearing watches. Because the watch would be strapped around your wrist, it would be more convenient then a smart phone where you would have to grab from your pocket or bag.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Our Class Wiki - So Far

I intend to review some pages on wiki to see if there are any grammar mistakes that need to be fixed. Since I am majoring in Human Resources, I was thinking of making a page to talk a little about Human Resources Management and what the major entails and so forth. I will make a simple page layout but not too plain where it will look dull. Also, I will see if there are anymore information that I can add on to New Media and their privacies since we have been working and researching more about medias and the lack of privacy that comes along with it. 

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is the distribution of digital information and resources online so other web users are able to access the same information. There are many ways P2P file sharing eliminates the need for central servers and allows all computers to share information equally. Music file sharing, instant messaging and other network applications are common P2P technology. In the article “Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other,” by Wendy Kaufman, it states “Google is teaming up with the nation's largest peer-to-peer lender. The search and tech giant is investing $125 million in Lending Club, which gets borrowers and lenders together outside the conventional banking system. Google's move and the actions of other big players reflect a growing interest in peer-to-peer lending.” Chanda Lugere was looking for a loan from bank to bank but was unable to get the investment she needed.  After getting denied from the banks, even with her perfect credit score, she decided to check online and came upon Lending Club. There are many ways in which peer to peer sharing can enhance business profit and competitiveness in the market.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Privacy & Confidentiality

The issues of privacy and confidentiality are serious problems related to new media. Strangers can access information about an individual through their Myspace, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Often times, people accept friend requests without thinking twice about who that individual really is. What if he is a complete creeper that used someone else's picture from online? People post phone numbers, email addresses, birthdays and sometimes even their address on these social media websites. Because there has been so much talk about lack of privacy and confidentiality, social media websites have taken their issues into hand. Web users are allow to change their privacy settings and allow only certain individuals to access their information. We post pictures and status of our daily life on Facebook, but often times, is it really necessary? We are exposing more information then we really need about our life.  In the end, it is your own concern so the issue is in your own hands.

Advice to Baruch College

I would suggest that all professors should start using PowerPoint slides and blackboard. It is hard to be up to date with materials and homework since some professors aren’t always organized. In addition, not all professors have the best handwritings so I would totally suggest not writing on projectors or the board. When professors are absent, they can make a condensed video of what their lesson would have been. I find it very helpful when lessons are uploaded online. One of my professors recorded recitation videos in the past and I found that really helpful and informative.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Creativity and New Media

New Media is definitely a lot easier to access for young adults and teenagers compared to an old elder who was not familiar with all the advance technologies that we have now. Facebook for example, has been constantly changing their format and making small changes all the time. It is even hard for me to keep up with everything, but because of all the constant changes, it has definitely formed a sense of creativity for new media. I have never heard of Second Life but I was able to Google it. The sign up process was simple so I only had to wait for the file to download. When I signed onto the page, there were different options on the top corner where I can pick which person, animal, and car that I want. I decided to pick a pink pony riding in a blue car since blue is my favorite color.


There are many perks to having new media in our lives. New media provide convenience in our lives and foster creativity. In the article “The New Math of Mashups” by Sasha Frere-Jones, it states, “One of the thrills of the mash up is identifying two well-known artists unwittingly complementing each other’s strengths and limitations.” Technology can improvise work that human beings are unable to do. Soft wares can sync two artists together in tune when they sound completely different. With the technology, it can mix the two voices together in harmony. In recent times, almost every popular song is made into a remix. Because of the advance media, creativity is bound to park. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds are also known as “digital worlds” where many different people come together and form their own imagination. There are many different ways virtual worlds can be used. According to the article “After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds get a Reboot” by Jacki Morie, it is stated that “You can use virtual worlds in education, in delivery services, or as an advanced form of telehealthcare that offers so much more than videoconferencing.” Although there are cons to virtual worlds, such as decreasing human interaction in the real world and high cost of creating a virtual system, there are also many pros that come along with it. Virtual worlds provide a comforting environment with social connectivity, built-in support groups without having to worry about being alone with no friends because of how people would judge you, and will make communications more enjoyable. In the CNN article, “Going to the virtual office in Second Life” by Mark Tutton, the virtual world has foster creativity such as “creating a new tool that allows businesses to have virtual meetings on their own computer networks” and the “ability to collaborate effectively using virtual tools may now become an increasingly important skill as technology offers more options than, say, video conferencing.” Virtual worlds has made our lives a lot more efficient and effective. Although virtual worlds are consisted of mainly children now, I believe many more adults will be on virtual worlds in the future when there are more tools available for access for company workers.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Blog about Twitter

A twitter discussion is very different from a blackboard discussion because there is a certain amount of characters we can post post on twitter. A twitter discussion has to be really short and concise each time we post something. On blackboard discussion, we can write as much as we want and it will show us how many times it was viewed. Twitter doesn't work the same way. On Twitter, we have to use @ to tag the person we are talking, but on blackboard discussion, people just write the post down and anyone can click on it. Compare to an in class discussion, both twitter and blackboard discussions are online where as a class discussion is in person. The feeling is definitely different when discussions are held in class. Most of the time, we don't praise others for the comments they make in class. We would either say something in addition to what they have said or say something different. On twitter, the comments are less formal, although we are still friendly with each other. On blackboard, it is more like a post. These are my viewpoints on the differences between Twitter, Blackboard discussions, and in-class discussions.